(PRWEB) July 31, 2012

Always comfortable blazing their own trail, Spark Logix Studios, a Minneapolis based inbound marketing company, is leading the web industry with their adoption of responsive web design. This practice not only changes the way they build and code a site, but makes it possible for consumers to properly view a site no matter what internet device is used for display.

Responsive web design (RWD) evolved out of the need to streamline the design process and create web pages that adapt to the medium on which they are viewed. Before RWD, designers were faced with the laborious task of coding one site multiple times to accommodate today’s various internet ready devices (desktops, smartphones, tablets, etc.) and their assortment of browsers, screen sizes, resolutions, and orientations. Alternatively, designers using RWD only code one site that is flexible and able to render appropriately no matter its environment.

RWD works by using Cascading Style Sheets 3 media queries. Essentially, the media queries ask certain questions about a device, such as its size or orientation (portrait or landscape), and modifies the site for the optimal viewing experience before loading it on the screen, which occurs instantaneously. Additionally, RWD uses fluid, proportion-based grids in its layouts as opposed to traditional grids with fixed widths, heights, and gutter sizes. These fluid grids rely on percentages of the maximum available space, so they can contract or expand based on the size of the screen. RWD is even intelligent enough to resize images, introduce new or alternate layouts, and selectively show or hide elements on a page.

Proponents of responsive web design, such as Spark Logix Studios, feel it is the best way to handle the bombardment of internet devices hitting the market. Rob Benson, Spark Logix Studios’ Creative Director and WordPress Web Designer, explains, “It’s impractical to tailor a different website for every new and forthcoming gadget — with such an approach, designers are always playing catch-up. By using responsive web design, we provide our clients with future-friendly websites that naturally display properly no matter what device they are viewed on.”

Members of Spark Logix Studios feel responsive web design allows them to offer other benefits to their clients as well, including efficiency and positive experiences for the growing number of mobile users. “Instead of spending extra time and money managing multiple versions of the same material, we use responsive web design to integrate static and mobile web design in one, which enables us to give our customers a singular site that works on all devices,” said Benson. “Also, responsive web design puts our clients in the valuable position to connect with the growing mobile audience who expect websites to respond intuitively to their devices,” he continued.

Although many web designers are still using traditional methods for website creation, there is a budding movement for responsive web design and Spark Logix Studios is one of the innovative companies in Minnesota and throughout the world leading the way. As the number of differing internet devices continues to rise, the demand for uniformity in the areas of design and coding is bound to increase and RWD as used by Spark Logix Studios may be the simplest solution, which offers standardization for designers and a positive experience for consumers.

To learn more about Spark Logix Studios’ take on responsive web design, visit their website or contact their Minneapolis office.

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