New York, NY (PRWEB) June 23, 2010

WordPress, Joomla and Drupal have thus far been seen to be the three most popular open source Content Management Systems in use on the Internet today. However, things have now changed at least, the order of popularity is very definitely changing and rapidly! Drupal, which arrived on the scene circa 2006, is a rising high class threat to the others, especially with the latest release a premium Drupal theme ST Nagara, designed by .

If we place ST Nagara under the ‘Systems microscope’ we find a quality clone of the well-established BBC system. So what’s so good about that? Simply, but not solely, it takes the best of BBC and completes the rest with a consistent look. This enables the user to enjoy a smart grid base layout, enriched typography and the various colour options of ST Nagara (see the demo of Nagara). The British Broadcasting Corporation, well known for many facets of communication for more than eighty years, has a magazines publishing division that now uses Drupal on its several websites.


That’s easy…from a simple personal homepage to a full company website Drupal provides you with the tool to create anything from a basic home page to a sophisticated commercial entity, Weblog, Dating Website or whatever your favourite type of website might be. There’s almost no limit or restriction on your creative ability with Drupal. With heaps of themes and modules Drupal and ST Nagara the sky’s the limit and the only boundary is your own imagination.


Drupal’s rise to the top is due in large part to the fact that more web designers are now choosing Drupal to use in the development of their more detailed and comprehensive designs. Once they discovered the ease with which Drupal can be applied to choose the ‘use-right-away-templates’ and then to develop websites via these premade tools it became ‘no contest’. Drupal can be the first choice for beginners and experts alike.

So, if you are just starting out as a web developer or you’ve been in the Internet business for years you couldn’t do better than move in with Drupal and the Drupal theme ST Nagara. Together they will show you the way to appealing and successful websites. At the same time they make it very easy to work up a great site that will be more likely to do for you just what you want it to all you have to do is to get alongside what has been described as the easiest Content Management System that’s alive and kicking on the world wide web.

The fact that Drupal is a free modular CMS makes the system even more incredible. In this day of the almighty dollar being just that almighty, to be able to enjoy a FREE option in website tools and, at the same time, to have these tools of the highest quality is amazing!

The added bonus that the entire Drupal framework is open source and therefore freely available to everyone is yet another feather in the Drupal cap. When we consider the raison d’etre for the Internet’s existence, that of communication, we have to place Drupal at the top of the pile.
