Seattle, WA (PRWEB) September 14, 2012

AffiloTheme is the latest member of Mark Ling’s Affilorama family and is set to pubic release on 18th of September 2012. The author specifically engineered this program to help affiliate marketers build highly profitable affiliate websites that will succeed in the post penguin and panda Google. This product is an effective and flexible WordPress theme that comes with various customize options. It does not matter that people can use these themes on other affiliate sites they have already set up.

Even AffiloTheme program is still in prelaunch mode; it has been receiving many positive reviews on the Internet. Therefore, the website has decided to receive a copy of this Mark Ling’s program and has completed a comprehensive review. The review might help affiliate marketers (includes experienced marketers and even just newbies) realize whether they can earn real online income from this program or not.

The full AffiloTheme Review on shows that AffiloTheme comes with various handy features such as squeeze page creation, built-in header image creator, beautiful theme options, links cloaking and tracking. In addition, the program also provides full video training, access to an exclusive forum, and one month access to Affilorama premium for free. The package of the Word press theme and the course teaches affiliate marketers everything they need to build professional looking websites, blogs that Google can not close. This theme takes any guessing work away, and they are able to create attractive looking sites that their visitors love. This means visitors stay on their site longer and Google reward them with higher search engine rankings.

Alan Paul from says: “It is essential for anyone who is planning to make profits within the affiliate marketing market to acquire an identified website. Although this might appear to be evident, the amateur may be not good affiliate marketers to figure out what affiliate promotion involves. They must test to obtain identified websites that totally match their product or service”.

To get instant access to the complete AffiloTheme review, which consists of a list of strong and weak points of the program, one should visit:

For people who wish to get immediate access to AffiloTheme program should visit the official page here


About the company: Business Review Center ( provides business strategies, tools, and reviews about business news, and ebooks. People can contribute their feedbacks on any digital products to Tony (the founder) via email.

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