Jaipur, Rajasthan (PRWEB) November 27, 2012

A well-known leader in the internet marketing services segment, Ribbun Software is now all set to provide cost-effective online branding and marketing services to businesses in the Indian sub-continent. Many small and medium scale companies operating in the region would benefit from this. Ribbun Software has served a large number of industry leaders from across the globe over the last few years. Although Ribbun Software was providing some of the most inexpensive and result-oriented SEO services to SMEs as well as MNCs, the company has now made a bold decision to slash the prices even further.

Bloggers and internet marketing experts are still wondering why Ribbun Software is giving away fruits of its years of research and development at a low price. According to some leading technology bloggers based in India and the United States, Ribbun is trying to reach out to startups and other companies that usually cannot afford internet marketing services backed by experts. Ribbun, as everyone knows, offers a full range of online marketing services and therefore, as businesses grow, they would almost certainly choose a trusted partner like Ribbun Software. According the experts, Ribbun Software has chosen the right means to achieve the right ends.

Mr. Mohit, the official spokesperson of Ribbun Software Pvt. Ltd., stated, This is not a price war. We have reduced the rates, but that doesnt mean well deviate even an inch from our commitment to provide world-class services to each one of our customers! We hope to rope in more clients by offering cost-effective SEO services. It appears that Ribbun Software is offering such great opportunities to business owners who can achieve significant growth through internet marketing. These business owners, in turn, would become Ribbuns loyal customers in the future.

Given the fact that Ribbun has done pretty well for itself over the last few years, the latest announcement by the company is perhaps a signal that it wishes to expand its reach in the Indian sub-continent by offering the best, at the lowest possible rates. The company has a high customer retention rate. Executives of the company can hardly be seen boasting of the kind of projects theyve completed. They usually let their portfolio to do the talking. The latest announcement from Ribbun Software is surely a welcome sign, but it remains to be seen how many business owners actually avail of these cost-effective SEO services