Pittsburgh, PA (PRWEB) October 16, 2012

Pundits, statisticians and pollsters have been analyzing the 2012 Presidential Election from many angles. Data has been released on which candidate will help the economy to which candidate would be a better babysitter for children. Eyeflow Internet Marketing, an online marketing and SEO company based in Pittsburgh recently released an infographic and website that looks at the 2012 United States Presidential Election in a new way: Through the lens of Search Engine Optimization.

“The purpose of these online publications is not to sway voters or endorse any candidate,” said Phil Laboon, President and CEO of Eyeflow. “We tend to look at everything through Google lenses, so we thought we’d see what people are searching for online when it comes to the election. The process started when a few employees were sitting around talking about Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. We started playing around with Google Trends, and the idea took off from there. “

Google Trends is a tool that shows how often a term or phrase is entered into Google. It contains data dating back to 2004 and shows searches by geographic region. This tool gives insight into how popular each candidate is in terms of Google searches. For the website seovote2012.com, the team expanded their examination to include Pay-Per-Click data, estimated website traffic, keywords each campaign is targeting, and more.

“First we created a blog post and presented the data. Then we realized that data would make a cool infographic, so we created one. After that we thought that presenting it on its own website would be an easy way to get a conversation started and SEO Vote was launched,” said Laboon.

Eyeflow is a Pittsburgh-based Internet marketing firm that promotes organic SEO. Its web promotion services include webpage optimization, social media marketing, web design consulting, and local optimization. Above all, Eyeflow advocates creating informative and engaging content in order to reach wider audiences and increase the impact of a companys brand. Fore more information, visit Eyeflow.com, seovote2012.com or call 866-849-0740.

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