Hauppauge, NY (PRWEB) July 30, 2012

Active Web Group, Inc. (AWG), a leading online marketing company headquartered in Hauppauge, New York, today announced a Free Website Link Analysis for interested online business owners. Search Engine Optimization, a means by which websites become more visible to search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo, is achieved through a systematic process involving many techniques and procedures.

Well-optimized websites rank well on the major search engines which is a key factor in achieving online business success. Therefore it is highly recommended that web business owners consider this free website evaluation. It will enable them to pinpoint possible site weaknesses and consider appropriate remedial actions.

Quality in-bound links or backlinks are an integral part of any internet marketing effort. Backlinks that are directed or point to a site tell search engines that the website and its content are relevant to a given search term, states Pat Norton, Vice President and Director of Business Development, Active Web Group, Inc. The value of an assessment such as the Free Website Link Analysis is that it may prevent businesses from making costly marketing allocation mistakes, he notes. What few realize is that links are the path that the search engine software follows when someone inputs a search term, Norton adds. Their relevance to a websites visitor will assist them to rank higher on search engines which will contribute to increased website profits, he continues. Links are one instance where quantity and quality matter, Norton concludes.

AWG will determine the quality of existing links and participants will learn more about the value of in-bound links to any successful search engine optimization (SEO) program. This initiative allows corporate decision-makers to view firsthand how they may achieve their online business goals through AWGs customized internet marketing campaigns and initiatives. To sum up, AWGs Free Link Analysis targets a sites linking weaknesses and also presents an internet marketing strategy aimed at improving website rankings and overall ROI.

Active Web Group has a long and substantial track record utilizing Search Engine Optimization initiatives to promote businesses of every size and across many diverse industries. Their link-building strategies for their clients are designed to generate high search engine rankings, more relevant site traffic and increased conversions.

A Free Website Link Analysis from Active Web Group will provide information about the links coming into a site including which domains are sending the most links to the site and the authority of these linking domains. AWGs link analysis also displays the anchor text that is being used to build backlinks to the site. Anchor text is an important part of building links. If the anchor text uses keyword terms a site wishes to rank for, this is more powerful than a link that includes a company name, website address or click here as anchor text.

A full-service agency, Active Web Group also has extensive experience in Web Design and redesign, Digital Media, Programming (all proficiencies including php, asp and asp.net), Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Graphic Design, E-Commerce, Magento Ecommerce, WordPress Ecommerce, custom solutions and Pay-Per-Click Marketing.