They Got Dibs! Make Your Audience Your A-Girl

by Stoney deGeyter I remember the first day back at my sophomore year of college. It was the weekend before classes began, and the new students were moving into the dorms. There were cars and trucks all parked out along the street with students unloading furniture,...

How to Write Content That No One Else Has

by Stoney deGeyter One of the most important things business owners often fail to do is to make their website remarkable. It really doesn’t matter what industry you’re in or how many other websites you’re competing against, making your site stand out...

Who Told You THAT Was a Good Keyword?

by Stoney deGeyter Finding keywords is easy. Finding the right keywords, organizing them into optimizable groups, and determining where and how they get optimized into the site is another story all together. Generally, keyword research is done at the hands of the SEO....